hello guys i started this awesome tutorial course of producing a Terrain with The easiest way available with absolutely free assets
Nothing will cost you.So what we are going to do is create a Very Beautiful Realistic Heightmap with Worldmachine then we are going to add it on unity3d and we are going to use TerrainEdge or Terrain Toolkit for AutoTexturing , AutoGrass placement (detail) , AutoTrees placement , then we are going to use EasyRoads for make the paths for our terrain ofcourse we are going to download Free Terrain Assets for make a Really Good Looking Terrain and i will give you the links So Lets get started!
Finished! had a problem with the last video but check in like 1 maximum 2 hours you will be available to see the last episode.something that would made me happy is that if you people check these tutorials just leave your comment and give me your opinion (:
The applying textures and grass videos are the same link. I found the grass video on YouTube.
I originally watched these tutorials on a computer where I didn’t have access to Unity… found them educational.
I then watched them while in Unity. That is more challenging because you have no narration. Normally I’ll have a tutorial running in the background and will be trying to follow along in Unity by listening to to the directions.
I appreciate you showing the use of all the terrain tools. They will all likely be used by me at various times when building terrains.
@AndyLL thank you very much for feedback! sorry for not recording my voice the fact is that i dont have a good microphone and it does not sound good and makes the tutorial apear very auful…
btw changed the link thanks for correcting me!
Awesome, tutorials, agree with above, that you could talked during the tutorial, or at least maybe added some background music.
Only had one problem, I installed and imported all the assets, all of them, and still in the Part 2 (adding procedural texture) I didn’t have all those textures that you have, not that I wanna use the same, but I have almost no textures at all…
Except for that, nice tutorial, not going to fast which is good
You have obviously put some effort into these tutorials but I will never get back the 15 minutes of my life you wasted. 1 don’t use links through ad fly it was my first clue anything mentioning free isn’t really. If you are not going to use sound in videos slow down with the erratic mouse cursor behaviour, after 10 minutes of having to go back continually to see what the hell you were actually doing I gave up before you caused some sort of epileptic fit. Sorry to be harsh but seriously tutorials are supposed to guide people not cause eye strain and frustration, also congrats on the earnings by using click thru very clever con.
Actually the tutorial links don’t work anymore, so I wanted to ask whether you still have those or if you could maybe send me the project so I could see how you made it