I must say, the new feel of the game Engine Environment is absolutely wonderful!
I especially love your higher resolution fonts… XD I know, that’s kinda a silly detail, but it does have a wonderfully positive impact on the feeling I have when I open the thing up!
I’m enjoying looking around at all the new changed.I also had absolutely no conflicts with updating from 2017.2.1f1
This all said… a dark theme by default would be nice… ya know… like Visual Studios provides… hahaha thanks guys! You’re hard work is appreciated, even under all the pressure you receive from the communities demands! LOL
Exactly. Its got to be Unity’s fault that I’m not living on a beach off somewhere while the residual game checks keep coming in. And the only thing I can blame it on is the default dark skin in the paid editor.
(I hope its really clear I’m not intending anyone to take me seriously on this thread. I’m just poking fun at the constant complaining we get about paying for dark skin.)