Composing level lowering polygons

I don’t really look for an external tool for level desing that is compatibile with Unity but it would be good for my needs I think…
I am looking for advice or some tips for arranging Premade objects (models like parts of the wall) in Unity or making house rooms in Blender. I mean, if I put wall parts to make 1 wall of room, it will count as 2 models, not 1 wall (If I am wrong, tell me pls). I want to stick object sogether but to eliminate too much polygons (Look at the picture).

Just a few questions: 1. Will number of game objects in the scene affect game performance?
2. Is it a big difference if I put game objects together to make level or I make 1 level model in blender?
3. Will lighting affect each individual peace of 1 composed wall (1 peace = 1 game object)?
4. Will I fix #3 if I am right, if I make 1 model in blender composed of 2 elements.
5. Can I make #4 better if I join points of 2 small walls to make 1 big wall together? If it’s possible, how to do it in Blender?

And should I (Look at the picture) make wall pieces have just 2 faces (both sides, NO roof, NO floor on them)…I think that will (Look at the red arrow on picture) eliminate that faces…

And by the External app for level design, I didn’t mean Hammer…I meant something like making puzzle out of level pieces, like this: __****__


You can try the free version of GameDraw from the asset store that works inside of Unity itself. Also there is ProBuilder 2.0, from the asset store, that works inside of Unity as well. Houdini also has a plugin that works with Unity and Maya for level design. Since you are working in Blender you could try making your own prefab building blocks. It will slow down the more game objects you have in the scene but can be kind of fixed by joining them together so it makes 1 object. If there are faces that won’t be seen or rendered you can remove them to help speed things up. Everything takes up memory.

How long is a string? Is it better to make a shoe or a boot?

The questions you’ve asked don’t have answers. It all depends on your specific circumstances, and how you make the objects in question. If you want to know these things, do them both ways and then use Unity’s built-in tools to profile your game and find out what’s best for your situation.

Is a good app and free house creators plans, furniture etc…

Eliminating useless polygons is fine. But make sure it’s worth your time. You could spend hours fine tuning models like this to eliminate these issues. But As long as your geometry is clean and a single plane is not made out of 900 thin tiny triangles… I think you will do just fine leaving those unseen polys alone.

Thank you for answers, I will check out GameDraw and other methods…but I don’t want to start a new topic…or should I?

I have 1 problem with arranging wall pieces in unity (Such as wall part for doors, for window, for normal wall…). They are all separate models and have their own shadows and lightings, so they look like separate models ingame. I don’t really know how to make 1 object out of several ones, but I think it won’t solve the problem.
Is really my only solution to arrange wall pieces in (e.g. Blender) and join their points (merge them down, connect into 1 or however…) so they don’t just make 1 group, but 1 model, 1 pece?
Can that problem (Separate lighting for every piece and wall) be solved by using dynamic (realtime) shadows in PRO version?

What did you really mean by joining them together? Making 1 model out of pieces and putting it as 1 game object or there is inUnity solution for joining Gobjects?
My real problem is that if I arrange pieces in unity, every individual will be lighted/illuminated separately in free version. Can that problem be solved with dynamic realtime shadows in unity pro? Or there is something else I can try(in free)?

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The grid fence was taken from Unity project Bootcamp.

I re-use it and duplicate them in the scene view.

In my opinion, it’s better for “modular” modelling of your assets so you can REUSE them in other level and save time.

Just a little simple question for you, WIGUAN, what do you mean by modular modelling and will that arranged peaces (Of, for example, brick wall, NON transparent) have different lighting for each one, because I have that problem and I need a solution…

What I mean is you’re making a “module”.
Each module can be combine, separated from each other.
For example, you can make the whole level in blender and then import it into unity, it’s fine and good.
But that’s for just one level? Right?

How about you make a 3D model os rock, stone, walls, door, separately.
Then in another level, you simply drag and drop these model to form a new building.

Have you play around with Bootcamp example project?
You see the house model also made up from several model combined to become one.

About your issue, I really don’t understand it.
Perhaps a screenshot will help me to understand your problem.

As far for me, I don’t have problem with different lighting.
That’s why you make them into a prefab (which share the same properties, lighting, etc) and simply DUPLICATE them in the SCENE VIEW.

(Joel Burgess: Skyrim's Modular Level Design - GDC 2013 Transcript) (

Well for Modular Design you need have made certain pre planning. Unity uses 1 u - 1m so you need to model your pieces exactly on that grid (like 3X3 size), so when you duplicate it or extent it, it stitches perfectly. You can try making a simple wall with tilelable texture and experiment with it. You can even try modeling a pillar or tiles using same techniques. Hope this helps you.


I now understand why noone understood me. I made bad model of wall for example, just with 8 points, 2 planes, 2 faces and it looked so bad…
I just download some good wall models from Turbosquid and arranged them in Unity, putted together and it looks all fine, I will practice level making from now…
Thank you all for help.
Now, if further question isn’t what may be the best solution for making levels, maybe inside Unity and what is the best option for modelling program, this thread should be closed… :smile: