Compositor performance issues in 2020.1 & HDRP 9

Is Compositor supposed to murder performance as it does now?
If I overlay a simple PNG picture (like a Unity logo shown in the tutorial) - around 30% of my fps is gone.

If there’s a second layer in the render schedule which contains not an image but a camera - 50% is gone.
Is it expected behaviour?

Also, if you select “none” in the “composition graph” drow down list it just creates a new graph. I guess it’s just because it can’t work without one, but anyway, that’s not a good idea from the UX/UI point of view. It also creates a new graph each time you enable and disable the compositor itself. And when you hit “play” it silently spawns a bunch of errors most of which are:
“Can’t remove Light because HDAdditionalLightData (Script) depends on it”
“Can’t destroy Transform component of ‘Whatever light you have in the scene’. If you want to destroy the game object, please call ‘Destroy’ on the game object instead. Destroying the transform component is not allowed.”
However, these errors don’t seem to affect anything and are easily cleared when not in the play mode.

Hey there, can you bug report this so our team can look into this?

I found this forum thread because im having the same issue, but i learned nothing from reading this, maybe following up with actionable information for the people who find this information later would be valuable.

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