CompoundCollider Children Not Working Correctly

Iterating over a compound colliders children gives bad values e.g. saying collider is terrain and showing seemingly “random” values for filter. I’ve tried with both using foreach and for looping.

var physicsColliderPtr = intCollider.ColliderPtr;
var newFilter = new CollisionFilter()
    BelongsTo = filterInterior.belongsTo.Value << spaceShipData.crewGameID,
    CollidesWith = filterInterior.collidesWith.Value << spaceShipData.crewGameID,
    GroupIndex = 0

if (physicsColliderPtr->Type == ColliderType.Compound)
    var compoundCollider = (CompoundCollider*)physicsColliderPtr;
    compoundCollider->Filter = newFilter;
    SetChildFilter(ref newFilter, ref compoundCollider);


unsafe void SetChildFilter(ref CollisionFilter collisionFilter, ref CompoundCollider* collider)
    var numChildren = collider->NumChildren;
    for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
        ref var child = ref collider->Children[i];


Same problem, please fix asap.

I solved my case by creating an GameObjectConversionSystem in GameObjectAfterConversionGroup update group that clones and store the colliders in a IBufferElementData that is later used to set the correct collider when needed. Hope it helps : )
Some code

    [UpdateInGroup(typeof(GameObjectAfterConversionGroup ))]
    public class MultiLayerPhysicsCollidersConversionSystem : GameObjectConversionSystem
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            Entities.ForEach((MultiLayerColliderAuthoring multiLayerColliderAuthoring) =>
                var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(multiLayerColliderAuthoring.gameObject);
                if (DstEntityManager.HasComponent<PhysicsCollider>(entity))
                    var collider = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData<PhysicsCollider>(entity);
                    var multiLayerPhysicsColliderBuffer = DstEntityManager.GetBuffer<MultiLayerColliderElementData>(entity);
                    // 0 is world default
                    multiLayerPhysicsColliderBuffer.Add(new MultiLayerColliderElementData() {Value = collider.Value});
                    var colSettings = CollisionSettings.GetOrCreate();
                    // TODO should probably be checked vs the blobassetstore for similar blobassets
                    // Create clone for each layer
                    for (int i = 0; i < MultiLayerColliderAuthoring.numShips; i++)
                        var colliderBlobPtr = collider.Value.Value.Clone();
                        multiLayerPhysicsColliderBuffer.Add(new MultiLayerColliderElementData() { Value = colliderBlobPtr});

                        colliderBlobPtr.Value.Filter = new CollisionFilter()
                            BelongsTo = colSettings.interiorStartCollisionTag.Value << (i),
                            CollidesWith = colSettings.interiorStartCollisionTag.Value << (i),
                            GroupIndex = 0,
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