Compressed 3D Texture

Hello guys,

I am currently working with the HoloLens and want to do some raymarching algorithm for 3D volumetric data visualization.

With my current implementation, I am reaching 10 FPS when a 128128128 data is in fullscreen (i.e., the data fills my screen).

Since I am doing a lot of tex3Dlod in my shader, I may have reached the limits of my graphics memory bandwidth. I then want to use a compressed texture to save some bandwidth.

However, nowhere in the Texture3D API did I find the equivalent of Texture2D API for giving DirectX11 created texture. I also cannot give compressed format in the Texture3D constructor (I have an error saying that “Texture3D does not support compressed format (format 97).”
I then dove down the DirectX11 API to try to MODIFY the texture format (without creating another texture pointer), without success.

Is there anyway for me to create a compressed texture usable by Unity?

Thank you!

Hum I guess I am in the wrong section, sorry for the inconvenience!

I reposted the message here: