we’ve been exporting our animations out of maya, their fairly large and have been causing perf issues, i read on the forums their is a way to compress the animations , i was hoping someone could tell how.
Right click your maya file from your asset list in unity and check your import settings. Make sure that you have “keyframe reduction” enabled.
If this doesn’t help, my guess would be that the bottleneck has less to do with your animation sizes, and more to do with the density of your mesh and/or bone count.
well we have fbx exports, when i right clicked them it does say we have key frame reduction set on.
General optimization tipps for animated objects:
Use as few bone weights as possible. At best <= 2 bone weights per vertex
Keep in mind that you are using an ultra low end GPU → animated objects should target 300 to a max of 500 polygons (with 2-3 onscreen, with more accordlingly less)
Use as few bones as possible. If you pass 20 and still think there are plenty you need, reconsider the platform, as your targeted media asset specifications definitely don’t meet the platforms requirements.
The iphone cpu is pretty slow so you should waste as less of its time as possible with animation, and more bones do their best to make the situation problematic.