I’m currently working on a game that will allow storing data online using PlayFab as a backend. The amount of data may be small or could be much larger, however, to stick with PlayFabs free plan, I have to keep this data under a certain amount.
I have some data classes to store the info and then when I’m ready to save it to PlayFab, I’m using json.net to convert the data to a string. Since data needs to be in key/value pair for PlayFab, I’m setting it to a dictionary when I’m doing the API call to save it online.
However, I need a way to compress the string as much as possible before attaching it so I don’t hit the limits.
I found this LZF compression and decompression for Unity - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions and it works well that it cuts my json string in half, however, this may not be enough to be under the 30kb limit.
Does anybody have additional steps I can do to compress this data?
Thank you for any help you can provide.