Compute shaders and SSR on Android Vulkan

Hi there!
I recently switched my android Vulkan project from Forward rendering to Deferred.
I thought I could use Screen Space Reflections now, but when I enable SSR in the PostProcess Stack V2, a warning appears telling me “This effect requires compute shader support”.
The screen space reflections aren’t appearing in editor nor in build.
The same happens with the Auto Exposure effect: warns me it needs Compute Shaders and doesn’t work.

And that’s weird because as stated here in the manual, Android Vulkan and OpenGLES 3.1 support compute shaders perfectly!

So, what’s happening? Nobody noticed this?

Please refrain on answers questioning why I would want to use this features on Android or telling me it’s a terrible idea: It’s supposed to be available and I just want this to work. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Best file a bug report, see what Unity replies with.

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@atomicjoe , did you find anything about this concern?

I’m running into the very same with 2019.2.20 and Adreno 530, when activating SSR, it just appears as what seems like flickering fractions of some kind of reflections (maybe), whereas with OpenGL ES 3, it even just shows a black screen.

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Unity closed this bug report with a very comprehensive “will not fix”, and given they abandoned the built-in render pipeline in favor of the new scriptable render pipeline some time ago, don’t expect it to ever be fixed.
There are some SSR that work on mobile in the asset store, notably this one:


SSR is still expensive on mobile, would suggest simple plane reflection.

Could you please share a link to the bug report?
I’m currently facing the same problems with auto-exposure, and would like to know what you sent to them.

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