I have some code for a tetris type project below. I’m finding difficulty in setting up a computer controlled player. Any resources would be great. Specifically, my AnalyzeBoard() function is crashing Unity. I’m not sure how to move forward. Any recommendations?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Com : MonoBehaviour
public enum AIState
private AIState currentState;
//public GameObject board;
private Board _board;
private Piece currentPiece;
// New fields for board analysis
private int boardWidth;
private int boardHeight;
private int targetRotation;
private int targetX;
private float moveTimer;
private float rotateTimer;
private float dropTimer;
private const float MOVE_DELAY = 0.1f;
private const float ROTATE_DELAY = 0.2f;
private const float DROP_DELAY = 0.05f;
private void Start()
currentState = AIState.AnalyzingBoard;
_board = this.GetComponent<Board>();
boardWidth = _board.boardSize.x;
boardHeight = _board.boardSize.y;
currentPiece = this.GetComponent<Piece>();
private void Update()
if (_board != null && currentPiece != null)
Debug.LogError("_board or currentPiece is null. Please check the setup.");
switch (currentState)
case AIState.AnalyzingBoard:
case AIState.ChoosingPiecePlacement:
case AIState.RotatingPiece:
moveTimer = 0f;
rotateTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (rotateTimer >= ROTATE_DELAY)
rotateTimer = 0f;
if (currentPiece.getRotation != targetRotation)
currentPiece.Rotate(true); // Assuming Rotate(bool clockwise) method exists
currentState = AIState.MovingPiece;
case AIState.MovingPiece:
rotateTimer = 0f;
moveTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (moveTimer >= MOVE_DELAY)
moveTimer = 0f;
if (currentPiece.X < targetX)
currentPiece.Move(1, 0); // Move right
else if (currentPiece.X > targetX)
currentPiece.Move(-1, 0); // Move left
currentState = AIState.DroppingPiece;
case AIState.DroppingPiece:
moveTimer = 0f;
rotateTimer = 0f;
dropTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (dropTimer >= DROP_DELAY)
dropTimer = 0f;
if (_board.CanMove(currentPiece, 0, -1))
currentPiece.Move(0, -1); // Move down
currentState = AIState.AnalyzingBoard;
private void AnalyzeBoard()
int[,] gaps = FindGaps();
int totalGaps = CountTotalGaps(gaps);
float averageHeight = CalculateAverageHeight();
Debug.Log($"Total gaps: {totalGaps}, Average height: {averageHeight}");
// Use this information to make decisions in ChoosingPiecePlacement
currentState = AIState.ChoosingPiecePlacement;
private Vector2Int AccessGaps()
// Iterate through all positions within the bounds
for (int x = _board.GetRectInt().yMin; x < _board.GetRectInt().yMax; x++)
for (int y = _board.GetRectInt().xMin; y < _board.GetRectInt().xMax; y++)
Vector2Int position = new Vector2Int(x, y);
// Check if the position is a gap (e.g., not occupied)
if (!IsOccupied(position.x, position.y))
return position; // Return the first gap found
// If no gaps were found, return a default position
return new Vector2Int(0, 0);
public bool IsOccupied(int x, int y)
// Check if the coordinates are within the board boundaries
if (x < 0 || x >= boardWidth || y < 0 || y >= boardHeight)
// Treat out-of-bounds as occupied
return true;
// Return true if the cell value is not 0 (empty)
if (AccessGaps().x != 0 || AccessGaps().y != 0)
return true;
return false;
private int[,] FindGaps()
int[,] gaps = new int[boardWidth, boardHeight];
for (int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++)
bool foundBlock = false;
for (int y = boardHeight - 1; y >= 0; y--)
if (IsOccupied(x, y))
foundBlock = true;
else if (foundBlock)
gaps[x, y] = 1; // Mark as a gap
return gaps;
private int CountTotalGaps(int[,] gaps)
int total = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < boardHeight; y++)
total += gaps[x, y];
return total;
private float CalculateAverageHeight()
int totalHeight = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++)
totalHeight += GetColumnHeight(x);
return (float)totalHeight / boardWidth;
private int GetColumnHeight(int x)
for (int y = boardHeight - 1; y >= 0; y--)
if (IsOccupied(x, y))
return y + 1;
return 0;
private void ChoosePiecePlacement()
// Find the leftmost and rightmost valid positions for the piece
int leftmost = 0;
int rightmost = boardWidth - 1;
Vector3 piecePosition = currentPiece.getPosition();
int posY = (int)piecePosition.y;
for (int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++)
if (IsOccupied(x, posY))
leftmost = x;
for (int x = boardWidth - 1; x >= 0; x--)
if (IsOccupied(x, posY))
rightmost = x;
// Choose a target X position that is centered between the valid positions
targetX = (leftmost + rightmost) / 2;
// Adjust targetX if necessary to avoid collisions
while (IsOccupied(targetX, posY))
private int CalculateBestRotation()
// Implement logic to determine the best rotation
// For now, we'll just return a random rotation
return Random.Range(0, 4);
private int CalculateBestXPosition()
// Implement logic to determine the best X position
// For now, we'll just return a random position
return Random.Range(0, boardWidth);
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Board : MonoBehaviour
public Tilemap tilemap { get; private set; }
public Piece activePiece { get; private set; }
public TetrominoData[] tetrominoes;
public Vector2Int boardSize = new Vector2Int(16, 20);
public Vector3Int spawnPosition = new Vector3Int(-1, 8, 0);
public bool isPlayerCom = false;
private List<Vector3Int> topmostPieces;
private Color[] originalColors;
private int currentIndex = -1;
private float timer = 0f;
private bool isChangingColors = false;
private bool isAlive = true;
private int totalLinesCleared = 0;
private int stackHeight = 0;
private int fontSize = 24;
public Font font;
public Color textColor = Color.white;
private GUIStyle style;
public void StartSequentialColorChange()
if (!isChangingColors)
topmostPieces = GetTopmostPieces();
originalColors = new Color[topmostPieces.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < topmostPieces.Count; i++)
originalColors[i] = tilemap.GetColor(topmostPieces[i]);
currentIndex = -1;
timer = 0f;
isChangingColors = true;
private void Update()
if (isChangingColors)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= 1f)
timer = 0f;
// Revert the color of the previous piece
if (currentIndex >= 0)
Vector3Int prevPosition = topmostPieces[currentIndex];
tilemap.SetColor(prevPosition, originalColors[currentIndex]);
// If we've gone through all pieces, stop the color change
if (currentIndex >= topmostPieces.Count)
isChangingColors = false;
// Change the color of the current piece
Vector3Int currentPosition = topmostPieces[currentIndex];
tilemap.SetTileFlags(currentPosition, TileFlags.None);
tilemap.SetColor(currentPosition, Color.red);
private List<Vector3Int> GetTopmostPieces()
List<Vector3Int> pieces = new List<Vector3Int>();
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
for (int col = bounds.xMin; col < bounds.xMax; col++)
for (int row = bounds.yMax - 1; row >= bounds.yMin; row--)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(col, row, 0);
if (tilemap.HasTile(position))
break; // Move to the next column after finding the topmost piece
return pieces;
public RectInt GetRectInt(){
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
return bounds;
private List<Vector3Int> GetTopmostPieces()
List<Vector3Int> pieces = new List<Vector3Int>();
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
int highestRow = bounds.yMin - 1; // Initialize to below the bottom of the board
for (int col = bounds.xMin; col < bounds.xMax; col++)
for (int row = bounds.yMax - 1; row >= bounds.yMin; row--)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(col, row, 0);
if (tilemap.HasTile(position) && !IsActivePiecePosition(position))
highestRow = Mathf.Max(highestRow, row); // Update the highest row
break; // Move to the next column after finding the topmost piece
// Calculate the stack height
stackHeight = highestRow >= bounds.yMin ? highestRow - bounds.yMin + 1 : 0;
return pieces;
int GetStackHeight()
GetTopmostPieces(); // This will update the stackHeight
return stackHeight;
private float CalculateStackHeightPercentage()
int currentHeight = GetStackHeight();
float totalHeight = boardSize.y; // This is the total height of the board
float percentage = (currentHeight / totalHeight) * 100f;
return Mathf.Clamp(percentage, 0f, 100f); // Ensure the percentage is between 0 and 100
private bool IsActivePiecePosition(Vector3Int position)
if (activePiece == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < activePiece.cells.Length; i++)
if (activePiece.cells[i] + activePiece.position == position)
return true;
return false;
public int GetTotalPiecesOnBoard()
int totalPieces = 0;
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
for (int row = bounds.yMin; row < bounds.yMax; row++)
for (int col = bounds.xMin; col < bounds.xMax; col++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(col, row, 0);
if (tilemap.HasTile(position) && !IsActivePiecePosition(position))
return totalPieces / 4;
public RectInt Bounds
Vector2Int position = new Vector2Int(-boardSize.x / 2, -boardSize.y / 2);
return new RectInt(position, boardSize);
private void Awake()
tilemap = GetComponentInChildren<Tilemap>();
activePiece = GetComponentInChildren<Piece>();
for (int i = 0; i < tetrominoes.Length; i++)
private void Start()
//this.GetComponent<Com>().enabled = isPlayerCom;
// Initialize the GUIStyle
style = new GUIStyle();
style.fontSize = fontSize;
style.normal.textColor = textColor;
if (font != null)
style.font = font;
void OnGUI()
//Player State//
string playerState = isAlive ? "Alive" : "Dead";
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Player: " + playerState, style);
// Display stack height as a percentage
float stackPercentage = CalculateStackHeightPercentage();
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 30, Screen.width, Screen.height), $"Stack Height: {stackPercentage:F1}%", style);
// Display total lines cleared
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 50, Screen.width, Screen.height), $"Total Lines Cleared: {GetTotalLinesCleared()}", style);
// Display total pieces on board
GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 70, Screen.width, Screen.height), $"Total Pieces on Board: {GetTotalPiecesOnBoard()}", style);
public void SpawnPiece()
int random = Random.Range(0, tetrominoes.Length);
TetrominoData data = tetrominoes[random];
activePiece.Initialize(this, spawnPosition, data);
if (IsValidPosition(activePiece, spawnPosition))
public void GameOver()
isAlive = false;
if (isAlive == false)
print("Player Dead");
public void Set(Piece piece)
for (int i = 0; i < piece.cells.Length; i++)
Vector3Int tilePosition = piece.cells[i] + piece.position;
tilemap.SetTile(tilePosition, piece.data.tile);
public void Clear(Piece piece)
for (int i = 0; i < piece.cells.Length; i++)
Vector3Int tilePosition = piece.cells[i] + piece.position;
tilemap.SetTile(tilePosition, null);
public bool IsValidPosition(Piece piece, Vector3Int position)
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
// The position is only valid if every cell is valid
for (int i = 0; i < piece.cells.Length; i++)
Vector3Int tilePosition = piece.cells[i] + position;
// An out of bounds tile is invalid
if (!bounds.Contains((Vector2Int)tilePosition))
return false;
// A tile already occupies the position, thus invalid
if (tilemap.HasTile(tilePosition))
return false;
return true;
public void ClearLines()
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
int row = bounds.yMin;
// Clear from bottom to top
while (row < bounds.yMax)
// Only advance to the next row if the current is not cleared
// because the tiles above will fall down when a row is cleared
if (IsLineFull(row))
public bool IsLineFull(int row)
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
for (int col = bounds.xMin; col < bounds.xMax; col++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(col, row, 0);
Debug.Log("pos: " + position);
// The line is not full if a tile is missing
if (!tilemap.HasTile(position))
return false;
return true;
public void DetectTopBlocks()
int i = 0;
foreach (Vector3Int position in this.GetTopmostPieces())
// Do something with the topmost piece position
// Debug.Log($"Topmost piece at: {position}");
// print("TOTAL:" + i);
// print($"Topmost piece at: {position}");
// this.ChangeColorOfTopmostPieces(Color.red);
public void LineClear(int row)
RectInt bounds = Bounds;
// Clear all tiles in the row
for (int col = bounds.xMin; col < bounds.xMax; col++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(col, row, 0);
tilemap.SetTile(position, null);
// Shift every row above down one
while (row < bounds.yMax)
for (int col = bounds.xMin; col < bounds.xMax; col++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(col, row + 1, 0);
TileBase above = tilemap.GetTile(position);
position = new Vector3Int(col, row, 0);
tilemap.SetTile(position, above);
// Increment the total lines cleared
public int GetTotalLinesCleared()
return totalLinesCleared;