Concept art

Hey @arunchahar ! Really like the effort, its nice to have more concept art :smile: A little personal feedback on some of your points just to keep the discussion going:
For the icon: I have to admit it reminds me of Twitter a bit. And since you imagine it for the .exe file maybe it should have a pig or something cooking related?
For the splash screen: I like the idea of having one and what you suggested (perhaps showing multiple islands instead of one as a reference to the bigger game?), don’t know if this has been discussed somewhere or if it’s considered.
For the game menu: I think a burger is a bit limiting – not sure if we can decide on a specific dish (yet) as a protagonist for the main menu (?). There has been some discussion in the UI Wireframing thread (there is also the official UI Miro board ) if you’d like to take a look to get ideas for that part (if you haven’t already.) I guess eventually there is going to be a specific thread for the UI graphics.
For the X-Ray: Well…do we really need an x-ray vision for ingredients and monsters? Dunno, it sounds cool, but it brings other kind of game genres to my mind that relate more to combat/stealth than puzzle/adventure. I think we want the player to not know where things are (to keep exploring).
For the inventory: @Smurjo has been working on several ingredients in the Regarding art assets and music thread which I assume would need an inventory icon if they are going to be picked up/traded. Maybe you could revive the Inventory Icons thread and post the sample art you mentioned there? Just saying – thinking of links that you might find useful. Cheers.