Hi all, we just added Unity to our portfolio and created this little case study on a car. The main approach was to get it running on every system and browser. What do you think? We just love the idea of having realtime animated content available on the net!
P.S.: check out at www.rayd.de/car
Move the car with the arrows-keys and open/close
the doors by clicking on it. Or press O/C to open/close… Enjoy!
thanks for the reply… The model itself has about 200K Polys. The scenery is build completely in Cinema4D with baked shadows and lighting. We used the default Unity shaders but rearranged them a little… At the moment we still have troubles writing fully compatible shaders for DirectX and OpenGL. But, well, never give up !! We started with imported animations for the doors, but came very soon to the conclusion, that scripted animations were way better to control…
How does the camera control work? It seems jittery here, enough that it somewhat degrades the experience. Are you multiplying by delta time in the right places? Is it running in Update? You should be lerping more for a smoother feel.
Also, I noticed some oddness when hloding two keys and then releasing one.
Yes you are right, the Cam script is only a modyfied version of the orbitcam script. At the moment I try to apply a smoothDampAngle script, this seems to be the right way but it`s not finished yet. I let you know.