i have been trying to cut the cone built using probuilder in unity for quite a few days now and i am not able to find any way to cut the cone as a whole. It would be really helpful if someone can help me with it. The question i am trying to solve is cone cut by a section plane.
Well it is possible to Boolean cut in two meshes in unity but is 60-100+$ add-on (it also shows a plane cut as remember) to do this, if you don’t need to do it realtime just go Blender and use bool modifier on the one to cut then pipette the plane.
If u just want to cut cones in half in a game just make 2 half glued one and enable rigid bodies, for uncut state use a parent with single rigid body active
(I remember there also a way to bool in editor mode but unity modeling is crutchy easier to just import quick fixes from blender before that exporting the model if still not with any export thing, even official are free)
Actually it shouldn’t be hard to make real-time cut bool the thing maybe ill try to do a simple free one as paid is too much for just Boolean operation. It won’t even be 344 lines of code, beside making it 2 gO both with rigid bodies and separate meshes with convex mesh col
Also are u sure that you can Boolean difference a probuilderized mesh? It should be default one, export then reuse a default one it or s-ing…
Okay there actually are a couple free solutions that probably fit ur need if i understood correctly on the asset store, just type mesh cut and filter free if not want the 50$ one
Probuilder has a boolean tool.
made a cone
made a plane
hit boolean subtract tool under experimental
put cone on left, plane on right and a new half cone appears
its all built in for free (no itsd not 60-100 @fnSolo)
i was talking about realtime addons, probuilder can’t be used in runtime (though maybe you can put its code to script, but that will work crutchy and wont do nothing except cutting (no auto texture cut, rb’s etc.))
Don’t think that he can’t solve for a few days how to bool in editor mode, though he didn’t said is it “runtime” or “editor mode” question…
You know it comes with scripts to show run time right?
i used it long time ago, but im talking about full fledge solution to cut humans in half with gore etc. something like that
and what is show run time i meant runtime mode, to cut in game mode (runtime is official term which unity uses when you already playing the game, etc)
Well you divided the word so it sounded like its about how much time it takes and show is a strange word to use, anyways probuilder is ugly and i am sick and a have a fever at evenings, currently, plus it seems people always read message through email and dont read the edited one. plus having problems in all aspects because of the world situation (wont dive to that even universally, forum is about helping and question, also not about PM mode under somebody’s topic to not spam nonsense to the person’s email which created it, should’ve used personal messages for this, us both)
also if it cant do something by default like this in this ugly sketch, then runtime mode is useless for a running game.
(now this, is related to question in topic, i guess)
I don’t want to edit the mesh during the runtime. i would like to do it realtime but using probuilder but whenever i try the cut tool is not working properly. i am able to use the cut tool for other cube and custom shapes but find it difficult with cylinders and cone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmqaEAIO4Hw&list=PLbQL6jsbZ8PMi5dJGBgdWImjjOF-uQTCM&index=4 i don’t know if you can follow this, but this what i am trying to build in unity. Sorry that i couldn’t reply to you guys earlier, i was a bit ill and was not active.
TBH while I understood his thing, I didnt entirely see how it related to your problem, but.
Have you tried just detaching faces that would give you the “sides” of the cone…
from this video i only understood that you want to cut cone and make it flat?
Like it happens with UV unwrapping (e.g. Blender) when you mark only 1 seam on one side? (Scissors effect)
in certain cases, i would like to cut the cone and then show the development so is there any way?
what you mean by that?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWEOrpZ3XY8&list=PLbQL6jsbZ8PMi5dJGBgdWImjjOF-uQTCM&index=9 somewhat like this
That video is clearly meaning more to you than us, when we have no idea and are trying to get that from you
i think i got the idea, you want to make some education videos? Why just not use Blender and animate all that stuff with shape keys?