I can’t for the life of me get the gizmo to show up when I click Edit Joint Angular Limits on the Configurable Joint component. I’m using Unity 2018.3.8f1
It should look like this:
But I only get a black and orange arrow indicating the Axis and Secondary Axis. The only topic I found said to change the motion to limited and put in a min max limit to make it show up, but that doesn’t work.
I’ve been having this issue since Unity2018, I’m currently on Unity 2019.1.7f1, the newest version as of writing this reply.
I actually Uninstalled all my Unity installs and installed this version clean and I still have no Handle/Gizmos showing up when I select Edit Joint Angular Limits.
I’m having trouble finding any information but I’m going to be putting this on the Bug Tracker if I don’t find anything on it.
Thank you so much! I’d tried every other suggestion I’d read online and given up. I’d actually resorted to going to a back up project where the gizmo still appeared, visualising the changes I needed and then implementing them blind in my current project.
I was wondering about the same thing in 2019.4.20. The answer was quite simple:
You have to make sure to actually limit the axis for the handles to show up.
This is still an issue as of 2020.3.20
My Handles shows in the character Joint but not in the Configurable Joints, But if I got to Default Layout the Handles Show