I’m having a bit of a problem with my configurable joints… I’m trying to attach a visible wheel to a car body, I have the wheel colliders set up and everything’s working as expected. When I try to attach the visible wheel, I use a configurable joint with a limited linear Ymotion, and a free angularXMotion, and Configured in world space turned off. This works well enough, but I noticed that my wheels were turning off center, they bobbed up and down and gave my car an undesirable look… I decided the reason they bob is because with the wheels attached in local space, the y axis is pointing different directions as it’s turning, but with “configure in world space” turned on, the wheel rotates around the world X axis. This works when the car starts facing straight and then turns, but I want my car to start at an angle… I’m sure there’s some stupid fix I’m just not getting, but I would appreciate it if someone would help.
The visible wheel shouldn’t be physical at all–use a simple script to match the WheelColliders, rather than a ConfigurableJoint/Rigidbody setup. Rigidbodies don’t handle extremely high angular velocities well.
Hmm. I tried that, but for the life of me I couldn’t find the distance the suspension is extended in the scripting reference… there should be some sort of property that will tell me, but all I’ve managed to find is Suspension Distance, and that is the maximum distance, not the current…