Configuring Mouse Buttons in Unity Editor

I'm new to Unity and I'm trying to get the editor setup to my satisfaction. I've got a 3 button mouse with a scroll wheel. Currently while the Hand button "Q" is selected, both my mouse wheel and right button will zoom the Scene Area. Since this is redundant, I would like to assign the right mouse button to rotate so I don't need to use the Alt button on the Keyboard.

This seems like it should be an obvious thing to change but I can't find where to change it.



This is a real bummer. I’m coming from Blender and the just learning to navigate the viewport feels so backwards. I have to unlearn all of my current habits. Do people that work in Unity remap other 3D programs to match the Unity controls, or do they just learn to use two navigation systems? I feel like I won’t be as efficient if I try and remember to very different ways to get around the viewport.

This thread may be stale but I stumbled upon it looking for an answer which I think I’ve found and wanted to share. In Unity 2022.3 under Edit > Shortcute > Scene View you can switch the mappings for “Temporary FPS Tool” and “Temporary Orbit Tool”. I set my Temporary Orbit Tool to mouse one which is the right mouse button and now I’m able to orbit around the scene much easier. If I do need to pan in FPS I now press Alt + mouse 0 (left mouse) and I prefer this much better since I find I use the FPS tool much less frequently.

Unity doesn't have any way of assigning mouse buttons or keys for these actions. Everything you can change is in the preferences under the Keys tab.