Attatchments in private messaging are disabled, right?
Might be good to make that clearer to save anyone trying to use it.
Just a thought.
Attatchments in private messaging are disabled, right?
Might be good to make that clearer to save anyone trying to use it.
Just a thought.
I contacted support about this, but they never resolved it for me. I just got treated like an idiot. I have not seen anything official about this yet, but I got ridiculous, false “your box is full and so is the person to whom you want to send files” messages. There was nothing in my box and the other person’s had very little.
Yes, please let us know what’s going on here, OTEE. Thanks!
It was me and Sam Kalman who handled your support request. We were confused as to whet you meant, and when we figured it out we asked you for your forum username. The case got stranded waiting for your reply.
Now that I know who you are, and that I know that others are having this problem, I’ll be on the case.
… you see, we really want to help
…no idea what happened with what you mentioned, though. I was pretty sure I followed up with everything I received.
Did you get my PM’s? Do you still get the same errors if you try to send my one?
.jpg filed seemed to send ok. picture displays in pm window.
.zip file gives the “box is full” message.
.blend file will not send. extension is not allowed.
What is a good file to send that will not show up as media in the PM?
Latest: I noticed that my attachment box was 17% full when all I had in it were a couple of small jpegs. Perhaps we just have a very tiny limit for our boxes, perhaps 5 MB? I was pretty sure that was not the case, but I’d like some…Confirmation.
Then again, I wasn’t trying to send anything over 1 MB, so that doesn’t explain the problems.
Cheers for checking it out D.
I just got an email saying that I have recieved a private message, but when I checked there was nothing there…like someone had checked it for me…Jessy did you PM me?
I did. I guess if I delete it before you open it, you don’t get to see it. The situation is being tackled by the head honcho though, so I guess just keep watching this thread for updates.
whoops lol! just sent you one and then found this!
Thanks, it arrived too…I just cant sent one back…I will use the bugreporter, sorry for the noise.