ConfirmPendingPurchase Feedback ?

How can I get feedback on the result of ConfirmPendingPurchase()?

Seeking help from someone with experience.

What type of feedback are you looking for? Once you call this method, ProcessPurchase will no longer trigger upon IAP initialization. How are you using the method?

After executing ConfirmPendingPurchase()
When I checked the receipt on the web server, it was confirmed that it had not been processed.

I think there are cases where the event fails.

Is there a way to check without restarting the app?

Can you reproduce, does this happen every time for you? Please provide steps, if so. What version of IAP are you using? The latest is 4.1.3, please be using this version. We don’t have a specific API to check the transaction status, as you suggest. You might also want to check after some time.