Confront : Multiplayer First Person Shooter

Hi everyone.
Been working on something for a few months, and I wanted to share the progress on these forums too.
The game is supposed to be an online fps shooter.

Started the project a few months ago and by far I ve got:

  • Authoritative Networking (movements,shooting,etc etc)
  • A map that is currently in development.
  • 5 weapons!
  • Player animations,transitions ,and online ready.

I am planning to release a build as soon as I finish the map, but I need people to help me test with.So, if you are interested drop me a PM.
I am working all alone on the project,however ,if there are serious people that want to join let me know,I am mostly looking for character animators/designers.

More details about the game soon!
Facebook page : Confront.

Some progress images.(Note many fake prefabs and place holders…)


Amazing work so far for a one man team, the game looks gorgeous. I would like to know your plans for the future, Is the game going to be free to play? Is the game going on steam or is it an online release? Anyway Good luck on this game it looks very promising, definitely gonna keep my eye on this :smile:

(Edit) -

The facebook link says Page not found. What happend?

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Thanks for reply!
I plan to release it on steam, but not as a free game, ( not 100% sure though)I dont support the micro transactions system for leveling up and getting better weapons etc.
The game would NOT be a pay to win model, however, in order to still keep an income, I plan to sell weapon skins ( geometric details , cammo, hand accessories ( hand watches , bracelets, tatus…this sort of things)

Will edit page as I get to my pc.

The map is getting to be finished soon. Some more stuff to go and done. (mainly buildings)
Here is some progress.

Looking good so far. Any plans on releasing some gameplay footage for us? would love to see this game in action :smile:

Will try, I have such a slow network right now…

I’d recommend going into the “Lighting” tab and turning down the reflectivity intensity, seems a bit high. This game looks really sweet, especially the graphics.

Alright thanks! The bloom filter just doesn’t work that right with hdr on also…

Looks really nice graphics wise what image effects do you use?

Bloom and color correction.

looks really nice.

Well, a new weapon. One more assault rifle to go, then I ll have enough weapons for an alpha build.
This time , the KAR 50. A bolt action sniper rifle.
(yes I know, KRI…)

Alright, here is my first try on a HUD for this game . Subject of change.

Oh man the game looks amazing even at this stage, have you decided if this is free to play?. I know its still early but i haven’t seen any free to play fps like this before and maybe thats a gap that this game could fill. :wink: In the end the decision is yours but i would like to see you consider the free to play path. Anyways what kind of rig do you have? and does the game run well on lower end pc’s?. Thanks and good luck :wink:

My pc is built of a quad i5 4460, a gtx750 and 8 gb ram ( ram is not that important though.) My gpu is not spectacular and it still runs over 90 fps with all effects on , lowering shadows and disabling SSAO helps a lot on slower computers! As for marketing plan, I dont know, there are many free to play fps games, why do think making this fps free would make a difference?

Simple, More Players and of course this means a broader audience to market the game to in a lot more ways than one. Think about it, more players means more popularity for the game and with it more lifetime for the game. More people playing the game daily and making micro transaction is better for the longevity of the game than one person paying a premium to play. Im in no ways an expert and in no way should you take my advice just because i posted it on a forum. All i ask you is to do is look at both paths and choose whats best for the game carefully. All in all the game will look fantastic either way and good luck to you and this game. :smile:

The problem is handling server costs with a large player base.

What are you using as multiplayer system. Photon? Because if you are using photon you can just buy the Photon + package and have 100 CCU forever for only 100$. Now 100CCU is a lot of people who can play your game.

Yes, I do use Photon!

Well then you can do the photon plus plan it should keep you going the first few months.