Confused about editor versions

Hello, Recently i started taking a course related to unity. But the entire course works on an old editor version which is (5.4.1f1). So im not sure which is best. Do I look for the old version (the one i mentioned) or continue using the latest version ? The problem with the latest version is that the premade projects are on the old version so they might be messed up because of the new changes. If its better to use the old version please tell me where i can find it. But if its better to continue with the new one then please tell me.

Yes, exactly. If you know what version the tutorial is using, it’s best if you can get as close to same version as possible.

Usually old projects like this can be easily brought up to date, but it might be difficult if you’re a new user and not familiar with the editor and API.

But wouldn’t using the old version make me unaccustomed to the new version when I try it out later ?

Yes, but it sounds like you are following and old tutorial, so it won’t explain how to use any of the new features anyway. You might want to find a newer tutorial.

A lot of the core Unity features have not changed much between Unity 5 and now, though. Especially in terms of scripting, so it still might be worth while.

Of course, you can try importing the projects into the latest version and see if they work. I recommend using the latest LTS version, rather than the absolute newest version. LTS releases tend to be more stable.

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I hope you didn’t pay any money for such an outdated course.

You’d be better of taking the junior programming course on the Unity Learn website.

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Unity’s editor has mostly the same layout that it had a decade ago. Scripting is mostly the same too. C# still has the same features. You might run into a method marked as deprecated or obsolete but that’s about it. If you don’t mind having to google the reference manual it’s not that big of a deal to work with an outdated release.


You never stated if your goal is 2d or 3d etc., and your going by an outdated tutorial (which others have stated, not much has really changed). Learn the different versions (URP for mobile or lower end, BuiltIn for general, or HDRP for high end). Then research your choice, google/official documentation are your best friends…

Which light effect? Show us what you’re trying to do.
1v1 battle build now gg

I also wonder if I should use the new version to update or the latest version

snake game

TBH using the latest Unity version or updating is NOT a good idea.

  1. No matter the version (2017, 2018, 2019, etc.) always use a LTS (long term support) build.
  2. Once you decide on a LTS build for your project, NEVER update or change versions for the life of your project.
  3. Lastly, the latest version IS NOT the best to use. Example: newer versions (2020+) dont support older assets (2017-2019) on the store, and thats only one example.

IMHO the best all around version with the best compatability and function is 2019 LTS. 2020 isnt bad, but only use if it has a new feature your project needs…