Okay so let me start out by saying that I discovered Unity for the first time about 2 days ago, very excited. I’ve been working in the creative online space for several years and have a vast knowledge of things like Cinema 4d, Flash and AS 3 so I feel like I’ve potential found a new home.
I like to skip to the chase when trying out new apps and am having some trouble. I have watched a couple tutorials now (admit I scrub them at first) and am having a hard time identifying where some of the “player control” scripts are coming from. I downloaded the Unity trial version and am not seeing any scripts like “player control” or “First person control” as I have seen in the 2 tutorials I have watched so far. I am simply trying to control an airplane similar to the Iphone demo featured on the unity site. I’ve watched the tutorials and see that the author is selecting these scripts under the script menu i just don’t have them as part of MY script menu. I guess I assumed they were default scripts since controling an airplane, car, or character is fairly default. Even when i search for “First person” player controls or simply "Player controls’ I could not find the script.
Okay so that was a bit long winded and i’m sure I would have this figured out in a day but thought I would cut to the chase and jump on in the community. Love communities
The Wiki is a good place to find more scripts as well as the Resources page on the Unity website.
From the Wiki you copy/paste the scripts into new files and then save those into your project folder. The resources on the Unity website are mostly project folders that you can copy assets from using “Assets/Import New Asset…”.
Also, from time to time, people post good tid bits of code here in the forums, so you should probably just setup a utilities script and paste many of these in there for your future reference/use.
That script is iPhone specific and it’s not a default part of Unity so much as it’s a part of the Star Trooper example project you can download from here.