why 2 pic particle system can Saved by batching ,but 2 pic Sphere not ??Batching is only want to try batch,and not success,so ,Batching is nothing… .So what the fucking batching or not about 2 pic Sphere??
“Batching” is the process of creating batches - groups of vertex buffer objects that get submitted as one to the GPU, instead of individually. Unity does static and dynamic batching - static objects that share the exact same material will get submitted as a single object, or batch, if you will (giving you a certain “saved by batching” count). Dynamic objects that share the exact same material will get submitted as a single batch under certain circumstances (also giving you a certain “saved by batching” count).
Without batching, every object would have to be submitted as its own batch, creating a big CPU overhead. You can read more about batching on the documentation.
I know,but the 2pic sphere is the same materials,u can try copy one sphere.why not saved by batching,this is bug i think.
I reckon your sphere is a dynamic object. If you read the documentation I linked, you will see that dynamic objects will only be batched if they have a maximum of 900 pieces of vertex information per object (vertex position, normal direction, uv coordinates, each of these counts as a separate piece of vertex information). If you look at the sphere that comes with Unity, it has 515 vertices - the normal and uv information is also used in the standard shader, so multiply this times three. 1545 > 900, so the sphere will not be included in dynamic batching.
no ,if u copy cube ,still not saved batching,if u use unity 5.0,it can.
anybody?particle system can dynamic batching so many capsules,why other can not??