Confusion about 3D concepts in general.

Is the UV map for a model specific to a certain texture? Does it only work with textures that are a certain size? I imported a model I made into Unity and applied a material to it, and it is simply flat black… no texture, no normal mapping, nothing. Is that how it’s supposed to be?

Kept screwing with it, and unwrapping the model seems to create UV data… so that wasn’t so tricky, it works with whatever texture. This stuff is way different than 2D sprites.

Yes. It maps the vertices of each triangle in the model to positions in a texture. It uses normalised coordinates, so the size of the texture doesn’t matter, but the layout of what’s drawn in it does. A UV map will work for all textures with the same layout.

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[quote=“SingularityDivision, post:1, topic: 629166, username:SingularityDivision”]
I imported a model I made into Unity and applied a material to it, and it is simply flat black… no texture, no normal mapping, nothing. Is that how it’s supposed to be?
[/quote]Yes, you need to set those up.

Think about it this way. A texture is a stretchy infinite plastic sheet with picture on it (like animation Cel). The picture may be endlessly repeating. Every vertex on the model in addition to position may have coordinate that refers to that point on that “plastic sheet”.

So you can think that when applying a texture to a triangle engine checks texture coordinates for each vertex, then using them cuts out a triangle from that “infinite streth surface”, then stretches it as necessary and applies it to the polygon that exists in 3d world.

uv texture is practically the mesh, being cut into pieces, so that the mesh can be layed out on a 2D surface (think: unfolding a box) and the texture are more or less overlayed on the same space. Or in other words, if you have an unfolded box and your texture is a circle, depending on your UV layout, every side of the box could have the circle on it or the circle is being cut off weirdly at sides or the circle is covering all of the box. This is all possible, since you can resize UVs to take less space, overlap them etc.