Hi I am creating an app that will use augmented reality to recognize text on a piece of paper and make a web request to pull data related to that word. and input that data into the barebones of the scene that I have set up. But I do have a couple issues one is I don’t know where I can learn how to write a script in unity to request the information. That is the main one, Thanks in advance for the help!
the cognitive api has examples on github. You just need to do a www request on it!
Hi @Kionte:
Could yout please tell more about your project?
I want to do the same but I want to use Vuforia to recognise an Image or an Object.
Thanks in advance
Yes I am agree with theraider, Github is best you can go for w3c school website.
Check this AppServices/README.md at master · Unity3dAzure/AppServices · GitHub link for more information on How to setup App Services with a new Unity project.
It will give a information regarding azure app service demos.
Hey Friend go and check this one https://github.com/Unity3dAzure/AppServices/blob/master/README.md i hope it Helps u more then enough for Microsoft Azure
Hi @Kionte,
Could you please tell me a lttle bit about your project?
I want to do the same but i want to use Vuforia to recognise an image.
Thanks in advance