We want to hook up our cloud build with CCD so that cloud build automatically updates and pushes addressables to CCD but after setting up the configuration on the cloud build end and selecting the Content Delivery bucket, cloud build fails to update the bucket with giving the warnings in the build log:
WARN: An update of the Cloud Content Delivery CLI is available. Please visit https://dashboard.unity3d.com to get the latest version.
WARN: Project is not whitelisted!
WARN: CCD Sync erred with code 1.
Let me know how we can address those warnings please.
Hi @mert_redmeatgames ,
To look further into this issue, coud you provide me with your Project ID and Org ID if possible ?
Thank you very much
Project ID: 3252ab21-3446-42f2-979c-c846ac43d524
Organization ID: 3821532
did you get a chance to look into it?
Hi Mert,
Sorry for the delay here,
A few more questions.
What versions of CCD and Addressables are you using as well as your Unity Editor?
Are you using environments with CCD? (These are currently not supported with UCB) Only production environment will work.
Look forward to your response.
Is it still the case that UCB does not support uploading to an environment other than production?
That seems like a major missing feature, considering the workflow that CCD suggests is to use different environments for development and production. In my current setup I have 2 environments with 2 buckets each. The production buckets are promotion-only.
From UCB configuration I can only select the bucket (not the environment), and I can only see the production buckets, not the development ones. Therefore when the build finishes it fails to upload because the buckets are promotion-only.
Is the only way to upload automatically to development buckets to create a post-build script and do so manually?
Are you planning on supporting upload to different environments in UCB?
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