connecting multiple particle strip lightning branches with shared and unique properties

Hello. I’m glad to know that the setup helped you and to see that you already have some great results.

  • To control the number of branches, I’m using a Random Selector Weighted to control the activation port of the Trigger Always block. This allows you to control the probability for a particle to spawn a new branch.
    Here for example, each particle has a 50% chance to create a new branch. This gives some control, but there’s randomization, so you still could end up with no branches or with branches on all particles are you’re rolling the 50% chance dice each time for every particle.
    There might be ways to control the number of new branches per level, but it would be way more involved.
  1. Yes, sadly, the Memory allocation in VFX Graph is fixed. This has some advantages, like you only “pay” for the allocation once. But dynamic capacity mode would also be very beneficial in many scenarios. Rest assured that the team is aware.

  2. Your child Strip capacity must be at least equal to the Max particles of its parent.
    By doing so you shouldn’t run into issues with missing strips/particles.

I’m not sure which Unity version you are using, but the Slider was never supposed to disappear, so it might be a bug. The slider is there on my Unity6000.0.7f1 project.

Have a great day.

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