Did anyone here tried connecting two HTC VIVE sets to one computer for multi user experience? Do you use an HDMI adapter? What kind of cables do I need for that? Do you need two computer for that? Is it possible?
Can this HDMI adapter work for me or should I choose this one?
This is not a current capability of HTC Vive or other commercial VR headsets at the current time. We can hope one day soon it can.
You will need two separate computers and preferably two play spaces so you dont run into eachother. Also, if you are using vives make sure the light houses of each cant see the others light house or it will cause issues. However, if you have a big enough play space you can use 2 lighthouses for two vives.
Many people have accomplished similar things. They are all companies that expect to make a profit off of their implementations. You will likely not find an answer at this time. If you really want to try this out you will have to dive deep into the HTC Vive developer documentation and find ways to hack it yourself.
Thank you all for your answers.
I read that it is possible with two computers and I have a big enough room.