Connection refused

I get Connection Refused when creating a workspace from Unity 2022.1.13f1.

I have:

  • updated version controls
  • restarted Unity
  • checked my SCM account

Please advise


Please attach a screenshot of your configuration. I’m guessing if something is wrong when entering the server name…

Please attach the Plastic client logs to debug the error:

Can you install the Plastic Cloud edition standalone client and let us know if the issue persists? → Downloads.


Hmmm can’t find the log on my Mac!

I just saw that I also get this error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.PlasticWindow.ClosePlasticWindow (Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.PlasticWindow window) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.collab-proxy@1.17.2/Editor/PlasticSCM/PlasticWindow.cs:1014)
Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.PlasticWindow.OnDisable () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.collab-proxy@1.17.2/Editor/PlasticSCM/PlasticWindow.cs:183)

I already have the standalone client installed.

btw, I have other projects running Plastic perfectly,

You can find the macOS logs at:

What is your Version Control package version?

Do you mean using the Version Control package with other projects with no issues?

First, thank you for helping out.

I have been investigating my workspaces and I have three different workspaces. I am only using one of these and tried to delete the others without success. When I click View => Repositories in the SCM Mac client I get “Connection Refused”.

When I sync in another app it all works but not when creating workspace for a new app. (see picture).

Maybe it has something to do with the three workspaces I have.

8376783–1104312–plasticx.relevant.log.txt (747 KB)
8376783–1104315–unityplastic.relevant.log.txt (534 KB)
8376783–1104318–gluon.debug.log.20220818.txt (116 KB)
8376783–1104321–unityplastic.debug.log.txt (8.44 MB)


Acording to the logs, you are creating a local repo (not cloud):

2022-08-18 09:34:27,389 XXXXXXXX ERROR PlasticPipe - Exception obtaining connection to local. Connection refused
2022-08-18 09:34:27,390 XXXXXXXX DEBUG InvokeMethodRetry - HasToHandleSocketException. SocketError: ConnectionRefused. Exception: Connection refused
2022-08-18 09:34:27,390 XXXXXXXX DEBUG InvokeMethodRetry - local.GetRepositoryList. Host not found but won't retry because the last successful connection is too old
2022-08-18 09:34:27,393 XXXXXXXX DEBUG PlasticPipe - prt:      17|GetRepositoryList             |local
2022-08-18 09:34:27,395 XXXXXXXX DEBUG CmProxy - Error invoking GetRepositoryList. Connection refused.

Can you check in your Windows Services panel if the “Plastic SCM Server” service is up and running.

If you want to create a cloud repo (not local), if you click on the “…” button, you should be able to set specific server where you want to create it.


All but local is greyed out, see picture. Maybe I did try local.

Do you think the fact that I have three of them?

8381046--1105176--Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 16.54.20.png

Doesn’t look like the server is running, how do I start it?

Can you replace “local” and manually enter “YourOrganization@cloud” in the Server textbox?

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That fixed it, THANK YOU!