Hi all, I run ROS on windows and connect with TCP endpoint v7.0.0, ROS 1.15.9, and Unity 2021.3.12
Everything was going fine, but suddenly I began to have this error.
The same setup works perfectly on another PC. I’ve found that the content of the handshake on line 879 of ROSConnection is empty and the script interprets there is a version error.
static async Task ReaderThread(int readerIdx, NetworkStream networkStream, ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<string, byte[]>> queue, int sleepMilliseconds, CancellationToken token)
// First message should be the handshake
Tuple<string, byte[]> handshakeContent = await ReadMessageContents(networkStream, sleepMilliseconds, token);
if (handshakeContent.Item1 == SysCommand.k_SysCommand_Handshake)
ROSConnection.m_HasConnectionError = false;
Debug.LogError($"Invalid ROS-TCP-Endpoint version detected: 0.6.0 or older. Expected: {k_Version}.");
Actually, if I comment these lines as if the handshake was correct, I can send and receive the messages. Is it a known issue? I haven’t found info about it.