Ive been on this problem for some time now and i just don’t understand enough about the way the UI works for me to fix it. So The controls of the character are an altered of those from the “Tanks” Unity template. So the character moves forward in whichever way hes facing. and its simple when the controlas are , A and D for rotate, W and S for forward and backward. But i just cant translate that to the UI controls, While also keeping the attack button.
Here is the style of the game, i want the arrow on the left to symbolise A and D, and the yellow arrow to be W, With the Sword Being “Fire1” Or whatever i set my “Attack” to be
Altered code from unity “Tanks”
using UnityEngine;
namespace Complete
public class TankMovement : MonoBehaviour
public int m_PlayerNumber = 1; // Used to identify which tank belongs to which player. This is set by this tank's manager.
public float m_Speed = 12f; // How fast the tank moves forward and back.
public float m_TurnSpeed = 180f; // How fast the tank turns in degrees per second.
public AudioSource m_MovementAudio; // Reference to the audio source used to play engine sounds. NB: different to the shooting audio source.
public AudioClip m_EngineIdling; // Audio to play when the tank isn't moving.
public AudioClip m_EngineDriving; // Audio to play when the tank is moving.
public float m_PitchRange = 0.2f; // The amount by which the pitch of the engine noises can vary.
private string m_MovementAxisName; // The name of the input axis for moving forward and back.
private string m_TurnAxisName; // The name of the input axis for turning.
private Rigidbody m_Rigidbody; // Reference used to move the tank.
private float m_MovementInputValue; // The current value of the movement input.
private float m_TurnInputValue; // The current value of the turn input.
private float m_OriginalPitch; // The pitch of the audio source at the start of the scene.
private void Awake ()
m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
private void OnEnable ()
// When the tank is turned on, make sure it's not kinematic.
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
// Also reset the input values.
m_MovementInputValue = 0f;
m_TurnInputValue = 0f;
private void OnDisable ()
// When the tank is turned off, set it to kinematic so it stops moving.
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
private void Start ()
// The axes names are based on player number.
m_MovementAxisName = "Vertical" + m_PlayerNumber;
m_TurnAxisName = "Horizontal" + m_PlayerNumber;
// Store the original pitch of the audio source.
m_OriginalPitch = m_MovementAudio.pitch;
private void Update ()
// Store the value of both input axes.
m_MovementInputValue = Input.GetAxis (m_MovementAxisName);
m_TurnInputValue = Input.GetAxis (m_TurnAxisName);
EngineAudio ();
private void EngineAudio ()
// If there is no input (the tank is stationary)...
if (Mathf.Abs (m_MovementInputValue) < 0.1f && Mathf.Abs (m_TurnInputValue) < 0.1f)
// ... and if the audio source is currently playing the driving clip...
if (m_MovementAudio.clip == m_EngineDriving)
// ... change the clip to idling and play it.
m_MovementAudio.clip = m_EngineIdling;
m_MovementAudio.pitch = Random.Range (m_OriginalPitch - m_PitchRange, m_OriginalPitch + m_PitchRange);
m_MovementAudio.Play ();
// Otherwise if the tank is moving and if the idling clip is currently playing...
if (m_MovementAudio.clip == m_EngineIdling)
// ... change the clip to driving and play.
m_MovementAudio.clip = m_EngineDriving;
m_MovementAudio.pitch = Random.Range(m_OriginalPitch - m_PitchRange, m_OriginalPitch + m_PitchRange);
private void FixedUpdate ()
// Adjust the rigidbodies position and orientation in FixedUpdate.
Move ();
Turn ();
private void Move ()
// Create a vector in the direction the tank is facing with a magnitude based on the input, speed and the time between frames.
Vector3 movement = transform.forward * m_MovementInputValue * m_Speed * Time.deltaTime;
// Apply this movement to the rigidbody's position.
m_Rigidbody.MovePosition(m_Rigidbody.position + movement);
private void Turn ()
// Determine the number of degrees to be turned based on the input, speed and time between frames.
float turn = m_TurnInputValue * m_TurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// Make this into a rotation in the y axis.
Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.Euler (0f, turn, 0f);
// Apply this rotation to the rigidbody's rotation.
m_Rigidbody.MoveRotation (m_Rigidbody.rotation * turnRotation);