Conscience - iOS Horror Game That Needs Serious Feedback and Advice.

The Work In Progress
Conscience Work in Progress Game Demo

About the Project

We’ve been working on coding this a long time and it’ll be a long time before we approach remotely finished. However as it is, we’re primarily looking for advice and help on the aesthetic and look of the game. ANY constructive thoughts, ideas, or half-hearted suggestions are more than welcome?

I’m really not happy right now with how the light is reflecting off the flashlight for the time being. Doesn’t look natural yet. Almost too static. Any suggestions for how to go about fixing this? We’re using temp Friday the 13th music for the time being. As we make more progress, we’ll continue posting updates.


W: Auto-Moves Character
W x2: Auto-Runs Character
S: Stops Character
S x2 - Turns Character 180 degrees

The Goal

The object of the game right now is to make it room through room. Eventually we will add keys and set this game inside of a mansion that the player has to traverse to escape. There are only three rooms thus far. We’ll be adding more every two or three days.

Additional Things

You can’t beat this WIP yet. It’s just a tech demo for the time being as we really want to get a few technical kinks out of the way first.

I think you’re off to a great start,

Here are the things I noticed.

Like you said the light from the flashlight isn’t quite right, i thought it lit up the room and some of the objects decently, but the enemies seemed to absorb the light, and stayed really dark.

The enemies spawned inside of objects, the ball, and door specifically, and frequently collided with each other, I think that may be due to the lack of animation.

And lastly you can run into the back of the enemy without being harmed, I don’t know if its purposeful, or a bug, just something I noticed.

But once you get real level design, and add more of a purpose, it would be great.

can’t play it. it crashes

Sorry about that. What happens when it crashes?

Is it possible to have WASD movement? I felt the movement was very clunky and couldnt get use to it.

I don’t get it at all. Black room with a key in it.

I think you should make WASD movement and flashlight radius bigger

I got a ‘bad file length’ and couldn’t run the game in unity web player. I’m on macbook pro late 2011

Saying that this is a key, proves that you didnt even move to it, to realize its a flashlight. LOL.
But I agree its like a key from afar.
I agree that the flashlight radius is very small.