console pricing question


I was wondering, all in all, how much does it cost to develop for any given console with the manufacturer and unity combined. If the’re not identical, please lay them all out.

Thank You,

Any deals you make to distribute your game through another company is going to be through a case by case basis. As far as I know, the majority of agreements like this include a non-disclosure agreement which means no one can talk about the agreement they made.

Since you can develop to platforms such as the 360 only after you have an agreement with said company you will also have to contact unity for a license for said platform; I can only assume that this would also be under and NDA and be priced on a case by case basis.

As Jack pointed out correctly, all professional developers are under NDA and cannot give you that kind of information. But rest assured that Unity License + Develoment Hardware = serveral 10.000 dollars. (Already stretching my NDAs here :)) Which is not a lot considering that tools like Visual studio, Maya or Photoshop also cost thousands of dollars, not to mention the salaries of pro developers. XBox Indy is less expensive, but cannot be done with Unity.

If you’re really interested you should contact the console manufacturers directly:


