I own a fair amount of consoles for one reason: I want to program for one of them. Name a semi high budget console, I have it. I’m pretty much Low Budget games which is an evolution of No Budget games. Unity is just a single path I can follow. There are no doubt many more. I just want to program for a console! PC is only a final choice for me. Please tell me I’m not banging my head against a wall here.
For major consoles you need to register as a developer with the platform holder. For example, if you want to develop for Switch, you’d have to go here:
And there are equivalent processes for XBox and Playstation. Their pages should have more information about what the requirements are.
From what I understand, Unity has special licenses available for major consoles, but you need to be an official developer first before you can purchase them.
How many times will you ask the same question?
And these are just the two I have found with a 2 seconds google search.
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