Constant Force component broken (v2.1.0f5) - RESOLVED

After upgrading to the latest Unity build the Physics>Constant Force component seems broken.

The variables that should be appearing with the drop down arrow (Force, Relative Force, Torque, Relative Torque), aren’t there. So there isn’t any way to use the Constant Force component.

I’ve checked this on two different installations (a MacBook and a Mac Pro), and neither show the variables in the Constant Force component.

Any recommendations for a quick fix without rewriting the entire script?
(Sorry, new to coding… Learning as fast as I can… but still new).

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

Hmm, still works fine here.



Not sure what I could have done to cause it to lose the variables (on 2 different computers no less!)

Does anyone happen to have a copy of the Constant Force script that I could use instead?


That’s weird, it works here also. You probably should re-download and re-install. It looks like your installation got corrupted somehow.

I am guessing that your Inspector is set to “Simple” mode. Does it work if it is set to full?


That was it!

Unbelievable. I have to say I’m kind of ashamed I didn’t realize that. It’s often the simple things that get overlooked :confused:

Thanks for taking a look at this guys. I really appreciate it.