Is anyone else having problems with the Unity web player randomly giving the “content was stopped because a fatal content” error.
I tried to see if it was a specific browser or version, but it seems to only mess up some of the time. Is there anything in the coding that potentially makes the web player have issues?
There seem to be a few situations in which this can occur. Which browser is giving this error? Is it happening with any particular webplayer or can it happen with any player?
This issue has been demonstrated live by a user but the Unity dev team have not been able to reproduce it. It seems likely that this is actually due to other software installed on the affected computer but we haven’t been able to narrow down what this might be yet. Perhaps you can submit a new bug report about this? Any additional information we can get about this problem would be useful.
andee - i can confirm that this happens on a brand new macbook air 13". happened on 3.1 but didn’t happen on 3.0 when i tried it in the apple store a few weeks back.
Okay, think I found a remedy for the issue… At least, this worked for me.
I downloaded the Web Player again, and ran the install process (without removing or uninstalling any previous versions of the webplayer). Then downloaded Flock, the browser, and it seems to work fine now.
ie: content was stopped because a fatal content error (web player)
I am using Alien 18mx and Windows Exporer.
Recently, I have been dealing with this same issue…
The project runs excellent on the development computer whether Mac or Win 7.
After up-loading to my server if I fire up the game over the internet I get that error.
I have been researching the problem and trying to find the problem…
So, I started by erasing all terrains and re-upload… Ran perfect over the internet…
So, I put all terrains back in and only erased the two terrains that have grown to 17 and 20 meg… Ran Perfect…
I put back in both large file terrains and only erased 1… Re-uploaded and … ran fine…
Again, but with only the other large file terrain back in and other out… Re-uploaded… ran fine…
But both large terrains back in… Failed right after full load again…
It is looking like this problem has to do with simply to much data or too big a file running over the web…
My project is a 78 meg Web streaming version with 130 terrains and only two terrains with HQ textures and trees…
This project is not complete and will be growing… Do I need to keep file size to a limit in order to stream???
Unity Support… Please conquer this challange… !
Just ran across this again today. We’ve seen it here a couple of times on the projects we’ve worked on. We believe it has either to do with how generics are broken in the version of mono that unity is using or the Component.GetComponent functions have a bug in them that randomly shows its ugly head.
To fix this, in the code, go through all references to GetComponent, GetComponents, GetComponentInChildren, and GetComponentsInChildren and make sure they refer to the gameObject for these functions.
If this doesn’t work, I’d suggest looking for anything that might be nesting generics, where a class taking a generic parameter has a function taking a different generic parameter.
class TestGeneric
public TestFunc()
should be
class TestGeneric
public TestFunc(Type secondType)
The second is a bit clunkier, but at least it doesn’t crash the web player.
I am seeing this issue on a Windows machine with IE 8 and web player version 3.5.7.f6.
web player log:
d3d: failed to lock vertex buffer 6B4097A0 [internal driver error]
d3d: failed to map vertex buffer 6B4097A0 of size 7488 [internal driver error] 130117 14:12:56 Setting error display: 'The content was stopped because a fatal content error has been detected.', details: ‘’, link: 0 web: shutdown player
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 141 / Dirty serialized files: 0)
Had this error today and it went away when turned off “Script debugging” “Development mode” when building to webplayer.
Actual order:
Building to Android with Script and development ticked.
Build to Android worked fine
Switch player to webplayer
Build to webplayer seemed to work but build crashed browser load (firefox chrome). Got error “Content was stopped” etc
Unticked Script and Development modes in webplayer
Build to webplayer worked with no errors.
Possibly this solution is just “hiding” the error … and kidNamedLox solution is better.
I do have a lot of GetComponent statements in my code, but have not gone through them all to check.
Unity version: 4.0.1f2
I get this error every time I try to run my game from my server on my Windows 7 machine that I built it on. It plays in the Unity program with no errors or warnings. It plays locally through the same *.html on my Windows 7 machine that I built it on. It plays from my Vista machine from the server. I get this error every time I try to run my game from my server on my Windows 7 machine that I built it on.
Chrome on both machines
No complaints from Mac user, testing.
Tried IE on original machine with same problem.
Also getting this on the Mac webplayer for our Ludum Dare game. All browsers. Windows webplayer is fine.
Interestingly, the native Linux desktop build of the game also crashes randomly (tested on two Linux mint machines where I have previously run Unity builds just fine). So could be a general *nix issue.
Using a development build results in no usable error output. Simply “Aborted” in the Linux build when run from terminal and nothing in the output log, and on the Mac webplayer output log it’s just the same message as the topic.