ContentSizeFitter not working with TextMeshPro in play mode

I have a layout that uses Text TMP, VerticalLayoutGroup and ContentSizeFitter. I have it working in editor mode, where the panel is the correct size, but in play mode (or build-run) the panel shrinks to 0 size (plus padding). I’m so far unable to figure out what the problem is.

Edit Mode:

Play Mode:

Component structure on the panel:

The items are not editable as I’m creating them via the “Layout Vert Panel” script. As they’re created at Enable time, perhaps I need to do something extra to get it working?

It appears that the Text component is reporting a 0 min-size at runtime, thus trying to shrink to the minimum size gives it no space.

Is there a way to make the Text component report it’s needed size as the minimum size?

Why is there an inconsistency between editor mode and play mode?

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