Continuous Collision Detection Not Working With Triggers (2D)

Every time I have made a game that involves shooting bullets at high speeds, I have always encountered this problem where I can get the bullet to go through thin walls. I need the bullet to not go through walls.
I am aware of how objects “travel” frame-by-frame and how the Continuous collision detection option is supposed to fix it, but it simply does not. Every question I have seen about this problem tells me to use this option and doesn’t suggest anything else.
This only seems to occur when the bullet’s collider has “Is Trigger” ON. Unfortunately, I need it to be on for other purposes in my game (so I am using OnTriggerEnter2D).
My walls have no Rigidbody2Ds and have BoxCollider2Ds on them with “Is Trigger” OFF.
My bullet’s Rigidbody2D is Dynamic.
Any explanation or solution would be greatly appreciated.

How about trying an OnCollisionEnter2D function on the wall to detect and destroy gameObjects with a tag of bullet?