I haven’t seen anything online regarding this issue, so I am left to assume that the problem must be on my end. As long as don’t touch the analog stick that allows me to continuous turn, teleportation works perfectly. However, as soon as I move the analog stick, teleportation stops working even after letting go of the analog stick. After some finicking and teleportation spamming, it begins to work again though, until I move the analog stick again.
Hi @give_me_pen ,
What version of the XR Interaction Toolkit are you using and are you implementing any kind of controller management when using multiple inputs at the same time? This may be a bug, but we’ll have to take a look at this on our end and get back to you.
I actually just figured out what it was. It wasn’t that continuous turn was affecting the teleport. It was continuous move. I think it was a minor drift issue with continuous turn, but was maybe so little movement I never noticed it.
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Okay, so things are working as expected then?
Yes thank you, sorry to bother.