Continuously call Value with Value/Vector2

Hello there!

I’m using the new Input System in my project (2019.3.0f3).

I’ve set up an action for WASD, set to Value/Vector2. In my InputManager I get the action like this

controls.Player.MoveCamera.started += MoveCamera_started;


    private void MoveCamera_started(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)

In CameraController I have this:

public void MoveEmptyCursor(Vector2 newPos)
    Vector2 move = transform.position;
    move.x = (move.x + newPos.x);// * camMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; //  * Time.deltaTime?
    move.y = (move.y + newPos.y); // * camMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
    transform.position = move;

Problem: Value is passed only ONCE when button is being actuated. So the object only moves ONCE while the button is pressed. I want it to be called(move the object using value) continuously as long as the button is pressed.
The manual says the following regarding Default Interactions:

For as long as the bound Control
remains actuated, the Action stays in
Started and triggers Performed
whenever the value of the Control
changes (that is, you will see one
call to InputAction.performed).

Which is why I use “started” instead of “performed”. I thought the value would be called as long as the button is pressed, but it is not. Project settings for Input System are default ones (Dynamic Update).
How do I make it call the value as long as the button is pressed instead of just once?

There must be another method for calling while the button is held down, you could also have in start you set the velocity to what you want and in performed you set the velocity to 0, if I’m guessing right… if you are just using keyboard keys though using the old input system should do the trick, then you just call if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)){} in your update loop.