Dears CG developer,
I’m looking for how I could how to adjust contrast or hue of 3D object using CG ?
Thx for any help
Dears CG developer,
I’m looking for how I could how to adjust contrast or hue of 3D object using CG ?
Thx for any help
I did contrast image effect in cg before,
in cg’s pixel shader,
adjust contrast:
//custom data
//you can control this in C#
//SetFloat(“contrastIntensity”, contrastIntensity);
uniform float contrastIntensity;
float4 frag (v2f_img i) : COLOR
float4 temp = tex2D(_MainTex,i.uv);
temp = (temp-0.5)*contrastIntensity + 0.5;
return temp;
//when contrastIntensity = 1, the result is normal
//when contrastIntensity < 1, the result is less contrast
//when contrastIntensity > 1, the result is more contrast
Thank you!
Did u worked on the noise, distortion or chromatic aberrations of the texture? that would be much inetresting for me. Thank you again for your help : ))
chromatic aberrations =
Shader "C4Cat/Image Effects/Chromatic Aberration" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", RECT) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off
Fog { Mode off }
#pragma vertex vert_img
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// frag shaders data
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
//custom data
uniform float chromaticAberrationIntensity;
uniform float vignetteStrength;
// frag shader
float4 frag (v2f_img i) : COLOR
float uvOffsetModify = (abs(i.uv.y-0.5) * abs(i.uv.x-0.5));
//float uvOffsetModify = abs(i.uv.y-0.5);
float2 uvOffset = float2(chromaticAberrationIntensity,0);
uvOffset *= uvOffsetModify;
//shift R to left a bit
float2 uvR = i.uv - uvOffset;
float4 temp = tex2D(_MainTex, uvR);
float R = temp.r;
//keep B in original position
temp = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
float B = temp.b;
//shift G to right a bit
float2 uvG = i.uv + uvOffset;
temp = tex2D(_MainTex, uvG);
float G = temp.g;
//combine R G B result
float4 result = float4(R,G,B,1);
result *= 1 - uvOffsetModify * vignetteStrength;
return result;
Fallback off
sample R a bit left,
sample G a bit right,
sample B as usually,
combine RGB for output.
distortion =
sample pixel color with offset UV,
how each pixel offset when sampling texture is base on your need.
noise, what kind of noise you need?
Are you doing something like a TV shader?
In my case it’s exactly to copy noise from a texture(I dunno how to do it) and put it my 3D object via the shader.
can a simple multiply works for you?
mainTex * noise