Control Articulation Body joint type Spherical with Input Manager

Hi, i’m try to training a Pepper’s semi-humanoid arm. I follow I followed the demo example released in the documentation (Articolation-robot-demo UR3), and now i have this problem: my arm has 3 joints and these are Articulation Joint Type = Spherical, i’m trying to change the ManualInput object to manually control with Input Manager the rotations on multiple axes of the same joint (ex: my shoulder rotates around the X and Y axis, so it is not a Revolute joint like in the UR3 project).
How could I solve this problem by modifying the ManualInput, JointController and RobotControlles scripts to control multiple rotations on the same joint?

Gianluca Spinelli

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I don’t know if i posted in the right section, also i apologize for my not perfect English.

bump. For me, this spazzs out completly. I can apply a target rotation to a joint like in the example robot arm project and it works fine, as long as the other two axis are locked. As soon as they are free or limited, even the same rotation that previously worked, now causes uncontrollable glitching.

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Another bump. Same here