Hi there, I’ve started to use NGUI for my game designs on Android devices (Since it scales more correctly then using OnGUI() ) however i’m running into a problem that I can’t seem to fathom.
I’m trying to get an GameObject to rotate when a button is pressed and to stop rotating when the button is released. Now when I did this before using Unity as it was, I used the update function and a GetKeyDown to do the rotation, with NGUI I have used a button that works when clicked but it only moves the object a little bit and checking in the inspector panel it only rotates ther object once and then again when the button is released, so effectively you have to keep clicking the button to make the object rotate which if i’m honest, will get quite annoying.
I have tried OnClick(), OnHover() and OnPress()and boolean values using !, but they all do the same thing. I have also tried using Sprites instead of a button but they don’t do anything either.
Here is the script I am using, I have omitted Update() as that just made the object rotate without even clicking on the button.
public var ship : Transform;
function OnPress()
ship.transform.Rotate (20 * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i’m slowly beginning to pull my hair out over this as NGUI looks like it’s going to be a good program to use for GUI’s.