the current documentation for the ‘Control Children’ property in the ‘Control Track’ settings reads as follows:
“Enable this property if the Source Game Object has a child GameObject with either a Playable Director, Particle System, or ITimeControl Script, and you want the Control clip to control this child component.”
According to the documentation, children of the Source Game Object with ITimeControl scripts should not be controlled by the track as long as this property is disabled.
This does not seem to be the case and the source code appears to completely ignore this property in regards to ITimeControl scripts.
The ‘searchHierarchy’ flag is checked when collecting particle systems:
IList<ParticleSystem> GetControllableParticleSystems(GameObject go)
var roots = new List<ParticleSystem>();
if (searchHierarchy || go.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>() != null)
GetControllableParticleSystems(go.transform, roots, s_SubEmitterCollector);
return roots;
The code for ITimeControl scripts never checks this property:
internal static IEnumerable<MonoBehaviour> GetControlableScripts(GameObject root)
if (root == null)
yield break;
foreach (var script in root.GetComponentsInChildren<MonoBehaviour>())
if (script is ITimeControl)
yield return script;