Hello everybody,
i am actually working on my masterthesis about interactivity in fulldome. I build with the help of Paul Bourkes idome-setup my own camerarig (but with 5cams).
I got two problems which are hanging together, and i hope somebody of you may have a solution for this.
As you can see, i made the warping of the geometry by myself manually and it is not very clean.
Paul Bourkes Version with 4 cameras is very clean, but has too much polygons for my opinion.
Maybe I have to raise the polycount, that should not be the problem, but the problem is, how I can warp my squares to such nice warped tiles. He uses a meshwarper, written by his own. But its just for mac, and I need a different geometry. I am not a real programmer and i have no clue how I should descibe the mesh I need.
I would like to use the GUI feature of Unity, but its impossible to use it for dome. GUI Feature is just suitable for rectangular planar images. So i need a workaround with 3D Objects and Raycasting.
But the Raycast is getting very complicated. I am not just aiming from a camera to the world. I am aiming to 5 warped Planes with rendertextures from 5 cameras. And when I hit a Pixel on this texture, i want also hit what i can see on this texture.
So my plan was to record the uv coordinates that i am hitting and convert them to screen coordinates of the camera and send another ray to this worldtarget.
I know its very difficult, i am thankful for every hint, to solve my problem. When you have problems to understand, feel free to ask.