Controller Input in iOS and Andriod

Hey All,
I have been wondering is it possible to take controller input via Bluetooth in android and iOS ?

As far as i know its possible to code for pc and test it in unity itself ,but i dont have any idea of how to process input of controller(like xbox/ps4 or anyother joystick) for handheld devices(android and iOS).

Can i get any help or reference where i can learn to implement my requirement ?

Thankyou !!

You can try the InputSystem, and a Xbox or PS4 controller. They both work with Bluetooth. However be prepared for some latency on iOS and Android. Otherwise Rewired and InControl Assets are highly recommended.

there are plenty of tutorials out there on google.

Hey i tried to implement them but they arent registering any input in my android device Do i need any specific code for asking Bluetooth permission ?
I am using XBOX One Controller and my input system binding looks like this.


You mentioned there are plenty of tutorials for implementing but i couldn’t find any specific to to take input from joystick in Hand held devices