Hey all. I’m real new to UI work and I’ve got a Shop window for my game that is giving me issues. I’m trying to get a two-pane window with clickable items on the left, and an item description and buy button on the right.
I’m having trouble getting the sub-components of my left window to fit correctly. I have a vertical layout group component on a parent object and several UI objects as children of this object. Each of the children have another UI object (an small image for the background of some text) which has an object with a text component as a child. These last two end up way larger horizontally than they should be, stretching out past the bounds of the first UI object in the tree and I can’t seem to get them to auto-size correctly.
It’s all very confusing. Some objects can’t have their sizes set because they are being controlled by other elements, but others apparent can? Can someone elaborate on what a layout group does? Does it only control the size of its direct children and not their children?