I’m trying to learn how to use the Photon Cloud service, and am running into a problem with controls.
I have a scene with the default photon cloud asset bundle and the standard first person controller. I’ve moved the controller into the ‘resources’ folder, and all related .js scripts into a ‘Plugins’ folder. I’ve created a C# script that’s basically a modification of their Photon’s ‘marcopolo’ tutorial. For some reason, when I have two clients open, mouse look works in the y direction in the active client, and moves the non-active client in the x direction. Using movement keys moves the other client, but not the one I’m active in. Any ideas what’s going on here?
void OnJoinedRoom(){
GameObject Avatar = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("My Photon First Person Controller", Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, 0);
MouseLook mouselook = Avatar.GetComponent<MouseLook>();
mouselook.enabled = true;
FPSInputController controller = Avatar.GetComponent<FPSInputController>();
controller.enabled = true;
CharacterMotor charactermotor = Avatar.GetComponent<CharacterMotor>();
charactermotor.enabled = true;
PhotonView myAvatarPv = Avatar.GetComponent<PhotonView>();