I was able to figure out how to get it running with help from the Volumetric Cloud Forum Thread [here]( Volumetric Clouds page-11#post-7726815)
Here is a simple script that lets you change the Cloud Presets.
Created buttons for each Preset and the buttons just call the functions below.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;
public class CloudControl : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] VolumeProfile volumeProfile;
VolumetricClouds vClouds;
public void Sparse()
if (volumeProfile.TryGet<VolumetricClouds>(out vClouds))
vClouds.cloudPreset.value = VolumetricClouds.CloudPresets.Sparse;
public void Cloudy()
if (volumeProfile.TryGet<VolumetricClouds>(out vClouds))
vClouds.cloudPreset.value = VolumetricClouds.CloudPresets.Cloudy;
public void Overcast()
if (volumeProfile.TryGet<VolumetricClouds>(out vClouds))
vClouds.cloudPreset.value = VolumetricClouds.CloudPresets.Overcast;
public void Stormy()
if (volumeProfile.TryGet<VolumetricClouds>(out vClouds))
vClouds.cloudPreset.value = VolumetricClouds.CloudPresets.Stormy;