controls displayed on GUI never disappear, ask for help (with short source code)


Below is the short source code:

var buttonPressed : boolean = false;

function OnGUI()
    if (buttonPressed) 
        GUI.HorizontalSlider(Rect(Screen.width * .5 - 100, Screen.height * .5, 200, 20), 5, -40, 40);
        if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width * .5 - 100, Screen.height * .8, 200, 40), "Press Me")) 
            buttonPressed = !buttonPressed;
        GUI.VerticalSlider(Rect(Screen.width * .5 - 10, Screen.height * .25 - 100, 20, 200), 5, -40, 40);
        if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width * .5 - 100, Screen.height * .8, 200, 40), "Press Me")) 
            buttonPressed = !buttonPressed;

My purpose is: vertical slider and 'press me' button shows, after clicking 'press me' button, horizontal slider and 'press me' button shows (vertical slider should disappear), but the vertical slider never disappears.


It works fine. You may have more than one copy of the script running.