I know this doesn’t have very high priority on the todo list, but I have a few suggestions about the controls.
I think, referring to the keyboard control scheme, that we could assign the camera movement to the mouse, so we could use the left mouse button as the attack button. During action moments the player might want to move the camera for better visibility while also being able to attack without having to change the finger position on the keyboard. As for the jump, we could simply assign it to the spacebar.
Also I presume the game will need a button to start a dialogue (I don’t know if that’s included in the “spacial action” category or not), but in that case the player will probabily not be surrounded by enemies so it could just be assigned to a normal, easy-to-find button as Enter (or we could make the spacebar/south button contextual and making it start a dialogue if close to a character and jump in all the other situations, but I don’t really know about this, maybe it will just be more confusing)
This would be a great default system, and to add to it I’d also like to work on abstracting it in such a way that the player can work with whatever control scheme they prefer. If I get the chance that is. Although I feel like the idea for the gameplay is still a bit vague in that we dont know what game feel we are going for
The game will have a control remapping system so there is probably not much to think about as players will be able change the settings according to their preferences,however there will probably be default controls once the game starts (as far as i have read)
I tried the game with the current control shame (WASD and TFGH) which is really a strange choice of not using the mouse (and cause discomfort really easily) and I would vote on camera control with the mouse for keyboard input. If for some reason we would prefer to use the keyboard I would propose remapping to the arrow key instead
Why is there not a card deck for this request yet? I hate how the current control is, I would like it if we can add an option to switch from precise (mouse) camera control and manual (keyboard) camera control.
Everything right now is Subject to change and is completely for testing purposes only (as far as I’ve read) the input system, settings system and control remapping system is still being made as well.
Sorry I haven’t replied in a while. In our original idea, the game is either for joypad, or for keyboard.
Adding mouse for camera makes sense, but… what if we have 3 buttons? Jump, attack, interact, maybe a fourth? How would you handle that then? Q and E on the keyboard, for slow actions?
I think (as a gamer) the main controls such as running or fighting are better on keyboard but some actions like shooting guns are easier on mouse ,looking around or aiming are better on the mouse as well, as mouse is quite easy to handle,i think we should have a vote on this maybe?
Use W and S to move forward and backward respectively.
Use A and D to rotate character left/right. The character doesn’t move just rotates. This eliminates the need to use mouse to control camera. Also this will ensure that players dont feel any difference in the movement between desktop and consoles.
Using S moves character back but doesn’t turn it around. We can use a separate key to instantly turn the character 180 deg along with the camera(Like in God of War).
Note:- If our character involves aiming and throwing projectiles at enemy or picking up/interacting with objects using mouse then fixing camera movement to mouse does make sense. In that case the above points may not be ideal and we would have to map the camera movement and aiming to the right D-pad in joystick which means we will be using conventional TPS movement system.
I did play the game. I just gave suggestions for an alternate approach. Was not aware that the controls were finalized. I went through the code strictly for educational purposes and want to know whether there were any particular reasons for going with inbuilt character controller and not the rigidbody based movement. Was it so because there was simply no requirement for it or does it have anything to do with performance(avoiding navmeshes, agents, dependence on physics etc)?
It’d be neat to be able to switch between controller types, for instance, I like using a Switch Pro controller but the axis and button mappings are different from XInput controllers